Clubs of Limited Membership
A club of limited membership is defined as a club composed only of those members who pay dues to The Woman's Club of Fort Worth. With the exception of the Etta Newby Club, those wishing to join a club of limited membership must be invited and accepted by a vote of the club members. All dues-paying members of The Woman's Club are automatically members of the Etta Newby Club and Night Newby and are welcome to attend the meetings and all club-wide events.
Clubs of Unlimited Membership
There are three clubs designated below as clubs of "unlimited membership," each of which may have members that do not pay dues to The Woman's Club. These clubs consist of Fort Worth Federation, Euterpean Club and Harmony Club; and, although most of their members do pay dues to The Woman's Club, it is an option. These clubs are part of the original clubs to sign the charter and were allowed into The Woman's Club of Fort Worth under special exemptions.
The General Federation of Women's Clubs - Fort Worth
General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) was founded in 1890, yet it can trace it roots to 1868. Professional Journalist, Jane Cunningham Croly, was turned away from a dinner held to honor Charles Dickens. The all-male Press Club denied her admittance solely due to her gender. Croly’s response to this insult was to form her own club. In 1889 Sorosis, a club lead by Jane Croly, invited women’s clubs from across the nation to attend a convention in New York City. It was there, on April 24, 1890, that 63 clubs joined together to form the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. Our General Federation of Women’s Clubs – Fort Worth (GFWC-Fort Worth) was founded in 1898, and it was one of the charter clubs when The Woman’s Club of Fort Worth was founded in 1923.
One of the original 11 charter clubs that founded The Woman's Club of Fort Worth in 1923.
Euterpean Club
The Euterpean Club is named for Euterpe, the Greek goddess of music. We belong to the National Federation of Music Clubs and use their guidelines to plan programs that include study and performance in areas such as American Music, Strings, Jazz, Opera, Sacred Music, and Dance, among others. Founded in 1896, the Euterpean Club is the oldest music club in Fort Worth and is a founding club of The Woman’s Club. You do not have to be a musician or a member of The Woman’s Club to join. We give a scholarship annually to a local college music major.​
One of the original 11 charter clubs that founded The Woman's Club of Fort Worth in 1923.
Harmony Club
Harmony Club is a place where friends gather to enjoy one another and their love of music. There are musical performances, book reviews about music, and delightful student performers who are recipients of scholarships awarded by the club yearly. You do not need to be a musician to join the club; everyone is welcome. Come to enjoy the programs, and perhaps, you will meet a few new friends. If you are interested in singing, the Harmony Club Chorus meets weekly, October through mid-May at 9:30 am on Wednesdays in Shuman Hall. Add something new and joyful to your schedule. They would love to have you!​
One of the original 11 charter clubs that founded The Woman's Club of Fort Worth in 1923.